Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Dangers Of The Politics Of DIVISION

Although, there has always been, a considerable amount of partisan politics, in our America system, perhaps, never - before, have we witnessed, the degree of polarization, and divisiveness, as we are, today! Many feel, our Founding Fathers, envisioned, a nation, where public officials, even when they disagreed, attempted, to work together, for the common good! For a little over a decade (or, even more), the politics of DIVISION, have, become, the somewhat - normal, behavior, etc. We are currently, witnessing, the present occupant of the White House, apparently, thrive - on, making empty promises, and using rhetoric/ vitriol, which seems to inspire and motivate his core supporters, and followers, rather than seeking to unify, and bring others, together, for the greater good! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, and review, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters.
1. Destructive; divides; diminishes: When, President Trump, often, resorts to making - fun of people, name - calling, and articulating statements some consider racial/ ethnic stereotypes, doesn't that diminish the status of his office, and, enable those, who seem, more motivated by their fears, hatred, and prejudices, than the relevant, sustainable needs of our citizens, nation, and the planet? His statements and actions, often, seem, more destructive, than solving, and we seem to be experiencing, a more - divided, nation, than any time, in recent memory!

2. Integrity: Especially, in times of crisis, or, near - crisis, such as during the pandemic, we are currently experiencing, an effective leader must prove, he is worthy of listening - to, believing, and following, because he maintains the degree of absolute integrity, we need, and expect! When, political fact - checkers, state, Trump has lied, and made misstatements, at a never - before, observed, level, why would others believe him, now?

3. Vision; visions; value; values: Great leaders are motivated by a vital, vibrant vision, for their administration! Their visions must, consistently, provide, genuine value, which conforms with the values, of our nation, overall!

4. Inspiring; irritating; innovative; imagination: We need public officials, who are inspiring, instead of irritating, and, proceed, in an innovative way, based on possessing the necessary imagination, needed, and necessary, to make our nation, the best, it can be!

5. Service; sustainable; strength/ stronger; solutions: Shouldn't quality service, come - first? A leader's, true, inner strength, must make society stronger, and better! Realistic, quality, sustainable solutions, differentiate a real leader, from the rest, of the pack!

6. Impulses; invasive: Donald Trump, famously, says, he prefers, less structure, to his speeches, and statements, and follows his impulses, often stating, he is a stable genius, who follows his gut! When his rhetoric and vitriol, inspire and enable, those of his core supporters, who seem, motivated by their fears, anger, and hate, this invasive behavior, creates a clear, and present danger, to the American way - of - life!

7. Options; opportunities: A great leader must avoid pre - judging, and carefully consider, and evaluate, all viable options and alternatives, with an open - mind! Only, then, will this nation, be, in position, to recognize, and effectively, take advantage of the finest opportunities!

8. Needs: Divisive leaders, often, consider their personal preferences, personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self - interest, when, they should focus on the needs of the nation, and its citizens!

Wake up, America, and demand, leaders, who are ready, willing, and able, to bring - us, together, for the common good, instead of using the politics of DIVISION! Are you, ready, to do so, sooner, rather than later?

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